My junior brother got married last 2 month and he was arrested last two weeks by the man who was marrying the girl before.
Atanda, the case has been taken to C0urt and my lawyer friend is telling me that my brother is liable to 5 yrs impriis0nment just because he got married.
Atanda, the matter no clear to me at all.
How person go enta priis0n cos e marry?
My Reply;
Hmmm, your brother may end up in pris0n if he is guiilty of any of the 0ff£nces listed below by Atanda
- As a single brother or sister, pls before you agree to marry anyone pls do some research to confirm that the person you want to marry is not by any chance married to someone else and has not officially div0rce the person before leaving them.
Because, if u Marry someone dat seperate from her husband or wife but not officially div0rced.
Haaaaa, you may end up eating free beans for 5 yrs with free accomodation ,
- Oga, you married your wife legally then u now see another girl with standing breasts, shaking like kaduna fresh tomato.
na so ur hat com beep like alarm, den d wire below ur boxer com dey stand.
Chai u com reason say as a sharp man, if i Marry dis girl traditionally ehn, the law no go fit do anything base on say i no carry am go c0urt.
Hmmmmmmm ….i pity u sir.
Ur village ppu are about to send you on pilgrimage to eat Free beans for 5 yrs.
- Ehen, aunty pls come closer Atanda don remember you.
Because say your past dey rough, you com dey hide some thing’s from the man wey wan marry u base on say if e know some of your past ehn..e fit no gree to marry u again.
After marriage, if that man later go hear the truth about those things wey u lie about.
Na just 2 yrs free beans and free accomodation for you…e no plenty at all
- You marry your first wife traditionally which is g0vern£d by customary Law, instead wey u go stay dat lane and marry more wife traditionally.
Na so one gal with big ikebe come confuse u say u go need to marry her legally before you fit taste the ikebe for ur bed.
Chai…see trap wey village ppu don set for you broda man
But u com loose ur sense because of BIg ikebe and agree to marry her legally.
Haaa, what a pity.
5yrs free beans and accommodation is waiting for you, pr0udly sp0ns0red by Village ppu
Take Note that this law is vice versa
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse